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MikeAdamsGolf.com was the homepage of Hall of Fame member and nationally ranked golf instructor Mike Adams.
The site has changed and is going to be a mishmash of everything golf-related.
So I hope you enjoy exploring my site and reading my extensive collection of golf articles, guides and more!
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Golf Galaxy vs PGA Superstore – What’s The Difference?
When shopping for golf equipment, it's important to make the right selection that best suits you and your playing style. However, where you make your purchase also matters. The range of equipment available at certain stores, staff expertise, and other services, such as fitting, can make a lot of difference ...

What Does WD Mean in Golf? (Solved!)
Following golf, especially competitive tournaments, is incredibly satisfying and enjoyable, as these are some of the most exciting and interesting events any sport can offer. However, sometimes, it can also feel a bit overwhelming and even confusing, especially if you're relatively new to the game. Golf ...

How to Hang Golf Clubs on the Wall? (6 Solutions)
For most golfers, their clubs are more than just a piece of sporting equipment. Once they find a perfect set of golf clubs that they can rely on, players typically start considering their clubs among their most prized possessions. That's why, for many, it's very important to keep the clubs in perfect ...

What a Golfer Aims for When Driving? (Answered in Detail!)
As anyone who's ever played golf knows, getting good at this sport is anything but easy. Success in golf requires plenty of work and practice, mental preparation, and a lot of attention to detail. That goes for every aspect of the game, as each shot requires superb focus and taking into consideration many ...

Are Golf Balls Safe for Dogs? (Solved)
Everyone who's ever owned a dog knows how much they like to run after anything you throw at them, be it a stick, a ball, or a toy. There's hardly anything else that brings that much joy to dogs as playing fetch, especially if they get a chance to chase a ball. Besides chasing after them, they also like to ...

Can You Golf by Yourself? (Answered in Detail)
One of the things people love the most about golf is that it provides an opportunity to spend some time with other people. Plus, they get to have some fun and enjoy company in beautiful natural surroundings. People play with their friends, family members, colleagues, and business partners, and even sometimes ...

What Golf Towels Do the Pros Use? (Solved)
When it comes to golfing equipment, the focus is usually on golf clubs and golf balls. This is understandable, as the right choice of club and the ball will have the greatest impact on a golfer's performance. However, there is plenty of other stuff that also helps you play your best possible game. One of ...

Are Golf Courses Open in the Winter? (Solved!)
One of the reasons golf is among the most popular sports is that it offers the opportunity to spend a day in natural surroundings and face challenges posed by that natural landscape. Of course, the best time to experience this is when the weather is nice and sunny, with the occasional gentle breeze cooling you ...

Are There Any Par 2 or Par 6 Golf Holes?
If you play golf often and keep the score, you know how important the par rating of the golf course is and how much your score will depend on the par of each hole. As you probably know par 72 is the standard and almost every 18-hole golf course, no matter if it's private or public will have this rating. This ...

How Often Do Golf Courses Change Hole Locations?
Everyone loves playing golf on a perfectly prepared course, with greens in great condition, allowing the ball to smoothly roll towards the hole. There's nothing worse than having your shot ruined by surface imperfections and having your put going wrong because you hit a bump in the grass. A smooth and ...

What Happens if Golf Cart Batteries Run Out of Water?
The performance and power of electric golf carts depend on their batteries. So, understanding how the battery works and learning how to care for it is of great importance if you want your golf cart to work properly. A bit of regular maintenance can go a long way in ensuring that the battery lasts longer, ...

How to Keep a Golf Mat from Sliding? (5 Solutions)
For every golfer looking to improve their game when not on the golf course, an at-home driving range or at-home golf simulator is a great way to get some extra practice time. This type of home setup is a great way to work on your game and demonstrate a true commitment to lowering your handicap and improving your ...

Why Are Scotty Cameron Putters So Expensive?
Golf is certainly not among the cheapest sports. Even the basic set of equipment can take a deep chunk out of your budget. As you advance your game and improve your technique, things get even more expensive, as equipment such as high-end golf clubs is quite costly. This is especially true if you're shopping ...

Why do Golf Courses Have Ponds? (4 Reasons)
Besides the fun and excitement of the game itself, the beauty of golf also lies in the environment you play golf in. Most golf courses feature stunning scenery, beautiful natural landscapes, and breathtaking vistas. A big part of creating this wonderful setting belongs to lakes or ponds you will find at ...

Srixon Soft Feel vs Q Star – What’s The Difference?
Finding the golf ball that will be a perfect match for your swing speed and experience level can go a long way in helping you improve your performance. Every ball has specific qualities that will suit a certain type of player. What works for low handicappers and seasoned pros probably won't be a great fit for ...

Miura vs Mizuno – What Are The Differences?
Japan has a long and proud golf history, with the first golf clubs established more than a century ago. Also, Japanese people have an even longer tradition of samurai sword forging. While samurai swords are, naturally, no longer in high demand, Japanese nowadays apply generational steelmaking knowledge and ...

How Far Will A 48-Volt Golf Cart Go? (Solved)
Electric golf carts are becoming increasingly popular, and more and more golfers are switching from gas to electric power to help them move around the golf course. Besides obvious environmental issues, there are several more perfectly sensible reasons behind this overwhelming trend. Compared to gas-powered ...

Who Makes Affinity Golf Clubs? (Find Out The Truth!)
When it comes to golf clubs, most players don't like to experiment too much. Usually, they go with proven and established brands, used by many people and with good reviews all over the internet. Furthermore, purchasing a set of golf clubs often requires a significant investment, so getting the right clubs ...